What kind of creatu are you?

This quiz is to know what kind of creatu you are if you dont like the result just retake the quiz dont get mad!!!Cause i really had a hard time to make this quiz.(I knw it writes that my website is rescreatu i didnt get that part so sorry) :(

Do you want to know what creatu you are just a few minute and you will know what creatu you are.Just take this quiz and you will know!!!!Remember "curiosity kills the cat" (If you want to know what creatu are go to www.rescreatu.com)

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Scenerio-If a new user wrote on blog and you read in the blog that she or he accidently put her or his omni in the trash itsimus and you found it what will you do?
  2. What is your favorite ceatu?
  3. Why do you like that creatu?
  4. Scenerio-what will you do when you accidently realesed in the wild your favorite creatu and then a respal told you that a new user that found your creatu?Do you...
  5. Sceanerio-If a use saw in your gallery that you have 10 easero and the user begged for one and you saw that he or she doesnt have any pets or eggs yet what do you do?Do you...
  6. Do you like rescreatu?
  7. How did you find the site?
  8. Do you think this quiz is...
  9. Why do you like rescreatu?
  10. How many respals do you have?

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Quiz topic: What kind of creatu am I?