What kind of Conservative are you (2020)

Conservatives aren't all the same. There are different strains of conservative thought. This quiz is meant to determine which type of conservative you are.

Are you a modern conservative in the style of Trump, or do you align more with older schools of conservatism? Answer these questions to find out.

Created by: abcdefg
  1. The government should as be limited in size and scope as possible.
  2. Protectionist tariffs are sometimes necessary.
  3. Which of these is most important to you?
  4. What is the greatest threat to the United States?
  5. Immigration has an overall negative effect on the country and should be restricted.
  6. We should use military force in order to promote democracy and human rights.
  7. Legislated morality is a desirable thing for a society to have.
  8. Dismantling the welfare state should be a top priority.
  9. Restrictions on abortion are a good thing.
  10. Which figure do you most admire?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Conservative am I (2020)
