What kind of babysitter would YOU be?

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This will tell you if what kind of babysitter you’d be. Great, good, ok, or bad. Goodluck! This doesn’t cover everything by the way. I made it just for fun. Enjoy! Also, please comment if you liked it. If you didn’t like it, don’t comment.

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Created by: PinkSofa92
  1. Your parent/guardian wants you to watch your little sibling. How do you respond?
  2. You catch the kid you’re babysitting looking in your bag!
  3. You get offered to babysit and get invited to a party. It’s the same night. You get offered not a lot of money to babysit, but you hear the party will be awesome! It’s gonna have a DJ!
  4. The kid you’re babysitting gets sick. He starts to sneeze like crazy!
  5. Timothy wants to play. What are you gonna do?
  6. You asked Molly to pick up her toys nicely. “No!” she says. After asking her one more time, she tells you, “You do it!” How do you respond?
  7. It’s dinner time. Bob refuses to eat his food! UGH! What will you do?
  8. It’s the kids’ bedtime. They go to sleep without a fuss, then you catch them sneaking cookies! They’re not allowed cookies.
  9. The parent comes back. You babysat for 3 hours. What do you charge them? You’re new at babysitting.
  10. do you want to babysit? Do you like it?

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