what kind of animal r u??

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so many people tyo take a quiz well take this one over a thousand people will take it u should be on of those people try to get an 85 % up to 100% to find out my dogs living story to find out me comment and were see where it takes u :)

do u have the stuffing to take my quiz??are u barking up the wrong tree when u get a low test ?? FOUND OUT ON this wonder quiz and take it to conqer it good luck

Created by: amanda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if u were a dog would u be freindly with kids????
  2. would u bark ??
  3. would you ever bite some one or some thing
  4. what dog name would u like better (ps. ammo as in gun bullets and sunshine and ammo r my dogs niames oh and angel and titan)
  5. what would be ur favite thig to play with??
  6. how old would u be when u first got an owner??
  7. what would u be scared of most
  8. would u be a inside or outside dog
  9. true or faulse: if a tree falls down and no ones around to hear it does it make a nose??
  10. do u like this quiz (does not count on score)

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