What kind of animal are you?

Have you ever wondered what animal are you? Well, now you can know. Take this easy quiz and find the result to you're quiz! You might be suprised or even happy.

But you know what? Not everyomne can be there favorite animal. Here, you can be any animal. Just anwser a couple of questions and... Voila! you have the results!

Created by: Neva
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many people have YOU asked to be friends?
  2. Do you like running?
  3. True or False: You love meeting new people
  4. What is you're favorite color?
  5. Do you like Candy?
  6. Hi
  7. How are you?
  8. Do you like pancakes?
  9. Bye
  10. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: What kind of animal am I?