What Keeper of the Lost Cities ability do you have?

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So, this is a Keeper of the Lost Cities ability quiz! I'm sorry that I only included 10 abilities, I'm lazy and I don't have too much time to do this thing. So anyways, enjoy! Oh, and before I forget, I did not come up with any of the characters or anything, so credit to Shannon Messenger.

Please note that none of the art is mine, credit to the artists. I would never put it in because 1. It would be so ugly you would be tramautized for months, and 2. I would never do that to you! I'm not that cruel.

Created by: Alia Vacker
  1. Well, what element do you feel most connected to? Note that most of these are Pokemon elements.
  2. Erm... favorite character? Out of the following Sorry I'm so bad at questions. Since I can't have more then eight questions, this question will have a part two!
  3. Part two! Favorite character out of the following:
  4. Which color seems best? Again, there will be a part two.
  5. Part two! What color do like more out of these? If you chose your favorite last question, click, "I chose it last time".
  6. Sorry it was short, but did you like this? I know this quiz was really bad, and this won't affect your results.
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahha! That wasn't the last question!
  8. Um... pick a letter. There will be a part two, again. And since I don't have enough characters on the answers, you will get some random letters.
  9. Choose again!
  10. Now for real, I'm done. BYE!

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Quiz topic: What Keeper of the Lost Cities ability do I have?
