What job should you have?

Want to know what job you should have? This is the quiz for you. Idk what to say, um... How much do I have to type? Hello I guess? How are you? Type here

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Created by: Idk
  1. Do you like art
  2. What about science
  3. If you could be famous for anything you want, what would you be known for
  4. This doesn't effect score too much but what do you want to get
  5. Anywho, how old are you (this also doesn't affect score.)
  6. Cats or dogs (say dogs)
  7. How confident are you that you are going to succeed
  8. How much are you willing to give up to succeed
  9. If you already have a job you kinda wanna do, how sure are you that this is the right job for you
  10. Did you like this quiz
  11. Ok, just 1 more question. Pick a number
  12. Byeee

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Quiz topic: What job should I have?
