What "Jeremiah's Life," Character Are You?

hello how are you I am fine this is so stupid I cannot believe that I am doing this so stop reading if you have a life at all if you dont keep reading on and if you do you may want to stop and take a break because this is so stupid.

Are you a person that is at all like the people in my life. It is interesting to find out that the world really is a small place. So go ahead and find out!

Created by: Jeremiah Hoggatt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the most important to you?
  2. Where do you probably work?
  3. What is Cyanosis?
  4. Your boyfriend is caught in bed with another girl. You...
  5. You have trained forever to become a Doctor. On your first day of internship, you realize how hard being a doctor is, so you...
  6. You have worked for two years on a painting and someone enters your gallery smoking a cigarette and pits the paint, you...
  7. You want to be a ... when you grow up!
  8. During sex, you are probably...
  9. what is the first thing you drink in the morning?
  10. What is love?

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Quiz topic: What "Jeremiah's Life," Character am I?