What is your zodiac sign?

Hello, everyone! I am created this quiz for you guys because I am interested in astrology. Have you wondered what your zodiac sign is? Take this quiz to find out!

I tried to make this quiz as accurate as possible, because I took many other inaccurate quizzes about the zodiac signs. I hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks!

Created by: jimchenziyu
  1. What's your favorite element out of these?
  2. What's your favorite colors out of these and why?
  3. What are some of your good traits?
  4. What are some of your bad traits?
  5. How do you show your anger?
  6. How long can you hold a grudge?
  7. What's your favorite movie genre?
  8. What's your favorite thing to do out of these?
  9. What are some things you like?
  10. What are some things you dislike?

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Quiz topic: What is my zodiac sign?
