What is your Weapon?

Have you ever wondered what your weapon would be based on your personality? This quiz has the following options. Gauntlets, Gun, Bow Sword, Knife/Dagger,

and a War Hammer. This will ask questions about your favorite hobbies, colors or what you would do in a certain situation. I hope you have fun taking the quiz! :)

Created by: Eliliqu
  1. You're new to this small neighborhood. What would you do to introduce yourself?
  2. An enemy you know is stronger than you challenges you to a fight. What do you do?
  3. You have developed a SERIOUS crush on a special someone. Your best friend has gossiped about your secrets before. They apologized and said they would never do it again. Do you tel them about your crush?
  4. What color do you think represents your personality?
  5. What's a hobby you enjoy or one you've wanted to try?
  6. What traits do you see in all your closest friends/what kind of people do you seem to hangout with?
  7. What is your favorite drink?
  8. Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
  9. If you had to research an animal, which of these would you choose?
  10. What are some small things that brighten your day?

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Quiz topic: What is my Weapon?
