What is your weapon?

This is a quiz to find out what weapon suits you best. I do ask for your preferences so you will probably get something that you like or at least think it is Okay. Please answer these questions honestly so this quiz is accurate. If you can, please comment and give some constructive feedback.

You know what to do so just get started! You don’t need to finish reading this anyway!weahjbnkinilngyfytdrtdrtdtydtyfuyfhjghjgkb,jhi,hikihkkihihikhkihki

Created by: 12345678
  1. Do you attract monsters?
  2. Are you a demigod?
  3. Which range?
  4. Choose a material?
  5. Choose a weapon
  6. Choose one to fight
  7. How good is your aim
  8. Are your hands steady
  9. Do monsters chase you?
  10. Are you a human?

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Quiz topic: What is my weapon?
