What is your warrior name?

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Find your true warrior with quiz! You get your warrior name from kind friendly FoxShine to smart and mysterious MoonCloud and even more cats. Have Fun!

I have 2 other quizzes one does not work but the other shows your cats warrior name. Soon I will have a warriors for dogs quiz! I hope you like my quiz!

Created by: Anna
  1. Are you a Tom or a she cat
  2. Are you young (1 to 20 years old) or old (20 to 100 years old)
  3. Will you go to the dark forest or to starclan
  4. What clan are you
  5. What prefix do you like
  6. What’s your favorite color?
  7. Do you want a scar?
  8. Are you fine if you are a male and you get female or a female that gets male
  9. What’s your favorite prey?
  10. What’s your favorite suffix?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior name?
