What is your true Hogwarts House

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Hi so if you ever wanted to find out your Hogwarts house you can with this quiz. It has all the fan topics you can choose from. Hope you enjoy! Bye!!!

Ok this paragraph is going to be nonsense ok it starts now so I’m just going on a video of it all fades to the end and then I’m not gonna go back to sleep I love the music I have to go to bed I don’t have time I love it I just got a lot done I’m sorry I’m about the time I’m going on the road and it’s just got to bye . Ok nonsense over.

Created by: Hufflepuff_Clara
  1. Where would you sit at the table
  2. You have a school project due tomorrow and you haven’t done it yet. What do you do?
  3. Chose a Deathly Hallow
  4. Chose a Horcrux.
  5. Chose a Professor
  6. Chose a Marauder
  7. If you were at Hogwarts who would be your bestie
  8. What house do you want to be in
  9. Stay at home or leave home
  10. Finally , Are you a MUGGLE

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Quiz topic: What is my true Hogwarts House
