what is your super hero name?

yes, genuis are very exceptional people and respectable peiole too they are inventors, scientists, doctors, and other stuff that require 3-4 degrees..

no, I'm not really a genius and I'm definitely not smart to qualify for that title cuz ik thats alot of work to get to that and besides even if i was i would be in college now lol

Created by: jelani
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you play any sports?
  2. if you had one superpower what would it be?
  3. who would you want to work with once your done going solo?
  4. who's your partner/ best friend
  5. are you a spandex or cargo type?
  6. whats your story? how did you become a hero?
  7. what superhero inspired you to become one?
  8. what kind of typical hero names do you like?
  9. where are you going to live?
  10. what is your system of transportation?
  11. and last but not least what is your signature weapon gonna be?

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Quiz topic: What is my super hero name?