What Is Your Spirit Animal

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Have you ever wondered when you looked down at a pet or animal and wondered that if you were another animal, if you were just something else, what would I be?

Well wonder no more. This quiz has all you need. Take this quiz and discover what your spirit animal is. By the way, your spirit animal doesn't necessarily be real. You can still have the traits of it.

Created by: Tristian
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What siblings do you have?
  3. What is your Wild Name? (find that out at [no urls])
  4. Who do you like more?
  5. What is your gender?
  6. Do you wear glasses?
  7. Do you have a bunk bed( not a high bed)?
  8. If you had a bit of spare time, what would you do to use up the time?
  9. Do you enjoy engineering or mechanical craft?
  10. Are you older than 12yrs?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Spirit Animal
