What is your soul animal?

Have you ever wanted to know whats your soul animal?Now you cann find out.This quiz compares your and animals personalities.and sorry for gramar im not the best writer

Is your animal lynx,bear,wolf,fox ir hamster?Just scroll down and find out what is your soul mate.go on.why are you still reading?go now.stop reading.this anoying text

Created by: Ervie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think of other peapul?
  2. Are you lazy?
  3. Are you friendly?
  4. Would you like to fly?
  5. Do you have any friends?
  6. Do you wear denim?
  7. Do you forgive me about that pas question?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Are you happy?
  10. Ready?

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Quiz topic: What is my soul animal?