What is your Sexuality?

Hi! I made another bad quiz! Well this quiz is just for fun and it doesn't determine your sexuality. Also remember that this is probably pretty bad quality so have fun!

Try to be honest, well either way your results probably won't be very accurate. Well anyways.I hope you get an ok result! Bye! Have a good day/night!!!

Created by: Qibli
  1. Complete this statement: If I could marry anyone of any gender, with no one judging with of you, they would be...
  2. Have you ever taken an "Am I gay" quiz because you actually wanted to know?
  3. If someone asks your sexuality, you say...
  4. Do you know what Asexual means?
  5. Do you know what Pansexuality is?
  6. What would you do if someone of the same gender asks to go on a date?
  7. What gender do you currently identify as?
  8. You and your friends are playing Truth or Dare (again) and you choose Dare. They ask you to kiss you friend of the same gender. What do you do?
  9. What pride flag has these colors: 💛💜🖤
  10. Remember that these results are just for fun and don't determine your sexuality!

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Quiz topic: What is my Sexuality?

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