What is your second name?

This quiz is about finding out your second name! By second name, I mean, a name that might go with your personality. :) There are many personalities, and everyone has a different one.

Although, I can't list every personality in the world, I can sum it down to just a few. So, have fun taking my quiz-cause that's why I made it, so you can have fun! Good luck. ;D

Created by: Name
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Oooh, today for lunch we're having cheesecake. You have ten dollars. You stand in line to get some. A girl that isn't so nice to you asks for a dollar to buy a cheesecake. You..
  2. You're standing in line to sign up for volleyball. There's only two more minutes left to sign up! You're almost at the sign up sheet. A few girls cut in front of you..
  3. A girl that sits next to you peers over at your test, you..
  4. You see that a snack is more calories than you expected. You really want to eat it, you..
  5. You see a friend flirting with a guy you like, then she leans in to kiss him, you..
  6. Your friend spends the night over your house on Saturday. You walk into school on Monday, and you see her wearing your expensive, brand new shirt. You..
  7. At prom, you see a enemy wearing the EXACT same dress as you. You're both running for prom queen. What do you call her?!
  8. Oh my gosh! Your boyfriend banged Elisa Lewinski at a party last night..
  9. Mostly like to shop at..
  10. Mostly likely to play (games)..
  11. Pick a color, any color.
  12. Is this quiz too long?

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Quiz topic: What is my second name?