What is your Lebanese political party?

This Quiz is still Beta Quiz of Lebanese parties you are the most close to politically the quiz will contain a short 11 questions questionnaire good luck!

Hope you have fun taking the quiz it is not fully completed yet but it surely is a bit accurate and will finish the Alfa version soon and good luck again!

Created by: Lebanese Nationalist
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What statement is more important to you?
  3. What is more important to you?
  4. If a civil war broke I would side with?
  5. Lebanon is:
  6. If Lebanon was attacked and invaded what would you do?
  7. What if Syrians needed a second home
  8. Best Economic policy:
  9. Ruling System
  10. Favourite Lebanese Leader
  11. Favourite Leader

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Quiz topic: What is my Lebanese political party?
