What is your ideal gun type?

I hope you had fun taking this quiz. If you have bo3 feel free to HMU and we can play my gamertag: Marcop1911Have a good dayYes I am just trying to fill this up so I can publish it

Omg it said the two paragraphs are to similar how long does this take? This is supposed to be for fun but it has turned into what seems like a school assignment

Created by: Marco
  1. How accurate are you?
  2. You just started a game of team deathmatch. How do you start?
  3. In a group project senerio you are the person that:
  4. What is your ideal number of players in a game
  5. Do you believe in the phrase “Slow and steady wins the race?”
  6. Do you know what hip firing is and do you do it?
  7. Which of these guns have you heard of from bo3?
  8. The following questions will not effect your result:What do play Call of Duty on?
  9. Which of these games do you/ have you played?
  10. What is your favourite cod series?

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Quiz topic: What is my ideal gun type?
