What is your Hogwarts house?

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Before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. (I will name on e character from each house in the bottom paragraph.

Gryffindor! Hermione Granger. Slytherin! Lucius Malfoy. Hufflepuff! Pomona Sprout. Ravenclaw!a Garrick Ollivander. Tell me your house in the comments! Mine is gryffindor. My older sis is Slytherin. (We get along very well) twin sis is Hufflepuff. Mom is Ravenclaw.

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. Pick a color
  2. Did you really think it was going to be that easy?? Haha no. Sit down.
  3. Have you read the HP books?
  4. Have you watched the movies
  5. Pick a number
  6. Food (maybe easy for one house… maybe)
  7. Pick a teacher
  8. Pick a word
  9. Pick an after school activity
  10. Pick a character
  11. Finally, pick another character.

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Quiz topic: What is my Hogwarts house?
