What is your Harry Potter blood stats?

If you were a wizard, what would your blood stats be?? Would your ancestors also be wizards? Would you be the first wizard in your family? What other questions do you have?

All of those questions will be answered here!!! So, what are you waiting for?! Take the quiz!!! Please rate and comment once you finish the quiz!!ยก!!!

  1. Which of these occur to you?
  2. Which house are you in?
  3. Who is your favourite female character?
  4. Who is your favourite male character?
  5. Which family is your favourite?
  6. Which is your favourite class?
  7. Who is your favourite professor?
  8. Do you think blood status matter?
  9. How many times have you rewatched/read hp?
  10. Who is your hp crush? Boy choices
  11. Who is your crush? Girl choices
  12. Which treat?
  13. Would you bully someone because of their blood status?
  14. What is your zodiac sign?

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Quiz topic: What is my Harry Potter blood stats?