what is your future daughter?

Your daughter is perfect no matter what the result will be I'm a newbie at this so sorry if u don't like it or if it wasn't accurate now IMA make up words so this quiz can be displayed well I will in the next paragraph so don't think I'm crazy

Did I get this right? Idk take the quiz and see if you got the result you wanted comment below your result or share with friends. Now IMA make up words hello goodbye oh never mind haha

Created by: Destiny Crank
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color hair do u have?
  2. What color eyes do you have?
  3. What is your favorite color?(out if these)
  4. What is your style
  5. What's your favorite character trait about you?
  6. Do u wear makeup?
  7. Relationship status?
  8. Pick a emoji
  9. Let fate dicide
  10. Last one sorry if this quiz was bad its my first but did u like it?

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Quiz topic: What is my future daughter?