what is your element?

what is your element out of earth air fire or water find out today and enyoy my quiz too please. good luck hope you get what you want today so yeah gl

nice so what one are you find out right here right now or maybe somewhere else and someother time but anyway i hope you enyoy my quiz and get a good 1

Created by: zach
  1. favorite season?
  2. what kind of day do you like
  3. food out of these?
  4. what animal would you like to be?
  5. when your mad it always...
  6. what do you think of fireworks
  7. how much do you like to swim
  8. do you like to kill plants and rip em out of the ground?
  9. dontcha just love those evil windstorms?
  10. do you think that it gets too hot outside
  11. whats your favorite drink?
  12. do you feel like you are good at these things? pick one!
  13. done did you enyoy

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Quiz topic: What is my element?