What is your basic for International Math Olympiad

Well this is for some 6 to 9 grade student who want to test their IMO basic ability about mathematics IMO is hard and this is to test whether u have the IMO level

Congratulation!!! I am not allowing any IMO here nor Continental Math Olympiad winners. ALso no College student allowed. Sorry if I missed any punctuation and spelling mistakes.

Created by: CoolDude
  1. a^n+b^n=c^n Here n>2 a,b,c not equals to 1 what is a,b,c
  2. Harder (YEAH) is in 67 base now convert it to binary (2 base)
  3. National olympiad level n^3-n divided by 1971 n>1 then what is the lowest value of n (BDMO 2017) NO CALCULATOR!!!!
  4. a^999+(a+1)^999+(a+2)^999+(a+3)^999 is divided by
  5. Little bit of combinotrics You have a 5 digit code lock. I am giving u an equipment such if if any digit is correct it will show close and if every digit is wrong it shows fail.What u have to find first so that u could unlock it in the fewest try.
  6. Previous question what is the fewest try Hint it is big so 00000 is not the code .....
  7. NO the hint is false what is the true answer (I LIED 00000 is a close code
  8. EASY ONE U have a stick of 1.7m Now put that on a 1x1x1m box. Really possible
  9. IMO STYLE How many way you divide set A in two part so that it is disjoint and the product of the element of the two subsets are same A={n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5} (IMO12}
  10. I am tired i need a drink there are 7 different drink and 5 different glass how many way u can give me a drink
  11. Now a nightmare geometry Draw a big circle now draw a small circle inside the big one such that the center remains same now draw a tangent to the small circle denote it ST note ST is a chord of the big circle ST=12unit now leave the small circle and shade the big circle's area. Don't shade the small. WHat is the area of the shaded area
  12. Finally what is the last three digit of 3^999 Use ur calculator
  13. ONE more ( NOoooooooo!!!) 3^4^5+4^5^6 if it is shown as a product of two integers could the two integer be greater than 10^2002 dude consider 10^2002 means that 2002 0's after 1.
  14. Oops guys bye find the greatest positive integer such that 23^(x+9) so that it divides 2000! Note 2000! means 1x2x3x4x5x.........x2000

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Quiz topic: What is my basic for International Math Olympiad