What is ur best choice 4 a dog

R u ready to finde out what suits u? take this quiz ta finde out fur shure! iffin u don't, u won't find ur perfect match fur ur furrrry friend to be.

do u really need ta know what kind of dog suits u. Iffin ya do, simply take the followin quizand be total satisfied withum ur finaley answer. Iffin not reasearch the dog that comes up and find out fur ur self that its true!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Shorty Melnic

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u playful?
  2. Are u very aggressive?
  3. Do u have time to hang out?
  4. R u married?
  5. What is ur fav color?
  6. r u bored now?
  7. do u like fluffy dogs?
  8. u prefer...
  9. r u bored...now?
  10. u have fun takin quiz?

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