What is my Political Affiliation?

This test is about what ideology you are. This test was made for Americans but people of other nationalities can take the test aswell. This test may have biases towards fascism as it was made by a fascist.

The ideologies you can get in this test are as follows, Fascism, Communism, National Populism, Globalism, Anarcho-Communism, Libertarianism and Classical Liberalism.

Created by: Sure Bed
  1. In economics my country should be
  2. On foreign affairs I’m a
  3. On gay issues I am
  4. On abortion I am
  5. My country’s government should be a
  6. Trade Unions should form the basis for the economy
  7. My country’s national identity should be based on
  8. My philosophy is
  9. My ideology should be achieved through
  10. Do you believe in a higher power, either a god or a spirit

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