What Horse Breed Are You?

What horse breed are you? Is this a quiz you've done before and you havn't been happy with the answer? well, you'll be happy with this fun quiz. Good luck.

Think about telling your friends about what Horse Breed you are. Then you can share what you are and have a lot of fun. You'll be happy with your results.

Created by: Jess!!!
  1. How much do you like horses?
  2. What is the best thing about yourself?
  3. Do you like...
  4. Would You Rather
  5. Do you enjoy projects but sometimes don't finsh them?
  6. Do you play a horse game?
  7. In a running race would you...
  8. When you get to get any thing out shopping would you get...
  9. Do you like to...
  10. What do you think is the best...
  11. Will you pass this quiz on?

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Quiz topic: What Horse Breed am I?