What homestuck character are you?

This is a simple quiz, that has more "intricate questions" that you may not normally see on these types of quizzes. Which youwill see what homestuck character you mostly resemble out of the characters:

John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Eridan Ampora, Dirk Strider, Vriska Serket, Nepeta Leijon. I hope that this is a satisfactory character pool. Maybe I'll add more as time goes on.

Created by: Atlas
  1. How do you typically cope?
  2. Have you felt nervous, anxious, or on edge recently?
  3. Are you unable to stop control your worrying, even if it's over nothing?
  4. Are you able to own up to the consequences of your actions?
  5. How do you view yourself?
  6. How do you view your body?
  7. How would you say your home life is?
  8. You and your closest friends somehow enter Sburb. You've made it through a lot of trials and tribulations. You go and see a big omnipotent dragon, that says he could give you an amazing wish to you. What do you do?
  9. Is human potential capable of anything?
  10. Is everyone’s life of equal value?
  11. Is the most important purpose in life happiness? If not, what is?
  12. Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things that you typically enjoy doing?
  13. How often are you easily distracted by external stimuli, like something in your environment or unrelated thoughts?

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Quiz topic: What homestuck character am I?
