What Hero Are You???

In this quiz you find out what kind of hero you would become. You could be selfish or want a person who loves you right from the beginning. What hero are you?

This test is hopefully pretty good. I spent a lot of time on it and would love it to be on the top 40 quizzes. ENOJYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY THE QUiZ!

Created by: Hero decider
  1. You are in High School and you find a secret gem. It contains the following powers but you can only have one.
  2. Once you have gotten your first power you decide you need a costume. But what color?
  3. Once you have chose your costume colors decide what costume is.
  4. You see that Girl (or boy) that you really like. You want to show him or her your powers but are worried that he or her might think you are crazy.
  5. You are in Math when you hear a rumbling sound. Then a man appears holding a gun. You think about running to get your suit but what if he shoots you.
  6. Next thing you know the news is buzzing about you. They want to know your superhero name.
  7. After a long day you go home but find the same man you put in jail holding your mother with a gun next to her head. You don't know what to do.
  8. You save your mom and the man goes back to jail. But how did he get out the first time so quickly?
  9. All a sudden the car disappears in thin air.
  10. The next thing you know you are fighting the Villain. You see another gem to pick a second power but it only has one power left. It is invisibility.
  11. The man gets away and teleports to the top of the tower. You don't know how that he got the boy or girl you like but he did.
  12. You take down the villain and catch the girl or boy.
  13. The man offers you a unlimited supply of power.

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Quiz topic: What Hero am I???
