what gun are you?

you like guns well do this cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun stay puff marshmallow man gun gun gun obama gun gun gun gun gun gun airwalk gun gun obama gun gun gun gun gun gungun gungungungungungungungunmoblmobl

are you korean? gun gun gungungungungungungungungun harold and kumagungun gungungungungunungungungungungungun gungungunobamagungungunstereotypegungungungungungungungungungunghostbusters

Created by: cameron

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your in a house and enemys are closing in do you?
  2. theres a enemy walking down the corridor and your right behind him do you?
  3. your in the middle of a fire fight do you?
  4. you have ten rounds do you and theres one enemy left do you?
  5. do you prefer to?
  6. ray gun revolver or rpg?
  7. world at war or modern warfare?
  8. knife nunchuk or sythe?
  9. japan korea or us of a?
  10. jeans combats or tracksuit bottoms?

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Quiz topic: What gun am I?