What girl character in Percy Jackson are you?

This quiz is to see what girl character from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series you are. The possible answers and Anabeth, Rachael, Bianca, Thalia, and Zoe!

Anabeth is really smart and a daughter of Athena. Rachael is a physic mortal who becomes the next oracle of delphi. Bianca is the daughter of Hades and Thalis and Zoe both are hunters for Artemis.

Created by: Macey
  1. When you are getting ready for a date you...
  2. You consider yourself as a...
  3. Your favorite thing to do in your free time is...
  4. Your all time favorite hobby is...
  5. You are...
  6. Your greatest fault is...
  7. You're most afraid of...
  8. You get in a fight you...
  9. You get in trouble with your parents you...
  10. You find twenty bucks lying on the ground you...
  11. You see someone getting beat up you...

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Quiz topic: What girl character in Percy Jackson am I?