What Gatorade flavor are you?

Many people enjoy drinking Gatorade. However, very few realize that they are drinking up personality. Some drinks are smooth. Some are sweet. Some are tangy. Some can be a bit dull. And some can have a bitter after taste.

Have you ever tried to apply what you drink to your own personality? It may sound weird, but wouldn't you be interested in finding out what flavor Gatorade you are? Now you can. You might enjoy it!

Created by: Alex
  1. You are at school, and a person that you do not know very well approaches you and says, "Hello." You say...
  2. Your friend asks you to help him study for his final exam. You say...
  3. You are in major trouble with your parents for stealing a Slim Jim and a bag of chips from 7-11. You...
  4. You are shopping at the mall for clothes. You pick out...
  5. You are watching t.v. You are most likely watching which channels?
  6. You sleep how many hours a night?
  7. Your grades in school are...
  8. Your dream job is...
  9. You would most likely eat...
  10. Which flavor of Gatorade do you prefer the most?

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Quiz topic: What Gatorade flavor am I?