What friend character are you??

Hello, I made this friend quiz so you can find out what friend character you are it is very easy and I hope you enjoy it. This took a little while to make.

All you have to do is answer the questions and that will count up what character your more like every question then when you finish answering the question it will show you what character your more like. :)

Created by: Rai
  1. What would you rather work as?
  2. what do you rather be?
  3. do you like food?
  4. If you had to choose a name for your kid out of these names what would you choose?
  5. who would you rather be?
  6. what do people find annoying about you?
  7. What are you mostly like to be heard saying?
  8. What character would be your best friend?
  9. Pick a pet
  10. what would your friends describe you?

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Quiz topic: What friend character am I??
