What Food Are You???

What food are YOU? This quiz tells you what your personality is by using the power of food. You may be asking "how does that work?" well, see for yourself!

There are many people out there looking at this quiz saying "What? That doesn't make any sense!" so, to all those people out there: JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE THE QUIZ!!! (haha jk :D)

Created by: Peace
  1. When your friend's pet died, do you...
  2. It's a snow day! What do you do first?
  3. There's an art contest at school! Do you...
  4. The school play auditions are next week! Do you...
  5. Your grandma gave you a stuffed animal for x-mas, you...
  6. Oh no! You spilled your smoothie on your bff's sweater while she was in the bathroom! You...
  7. You got a $200 gift card! What do you spend it on?
  8. You found a $100 bill on the road, what do you do?
  9. You have to do a project on endangered animals for English, what animal do you choose?
  10. LAST QUESTION: if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one thing with you, it would be...

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Quiz topic: What Food am I???