What food am I quiz

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This is a pretty silly quiz that tells you which food you are. Now don't worry, I can promise you'll never get eaten. You will live a long life like the average person.

You can take this quiz again if you really love it. I mean like you might get a different answer every time until you get all the answers. Before we start I'd like to say a special thanks to Go to quiz for making this quiz, but let's get started!

Created by: Lily
  1. Which is your favourite vegetable?
  2. Which is your favourite fruit?
  3. Are you vegetarian?
  4. Which culture's food do you like the most?
  5. Which berry do you like the most?
  6. Which one do you like better: fruits or vegetables?
  7. Are you a healthy eater?
  8. How many vegetables can you name?
  9. How many fruits can you name?
  10. Which is correct about carrots?

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