What fighter are you?

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Wanna know what type of fighter you are? This quiz will show you. Do you think your a good fighter do you live to get into fights? This quiz will tell you!

Always wanted to find out what type of fighter you are? Or not? Just take this quiz anyway you’ll find out what fighter you are try it please and share it with friends!

Created by: Nicos sister
  1. You are challenged a fight what do you do?
  2. You get hurt badly your bleeding in a few hours you know your going to die what do you do?
  3. You see a close friend fall but your being pursued by a bloodthirsty creature you want to help but can’t plan b?
  4. It’s dark and a battle is raging your tired the beast wants to kill you…
  5. Who are you in your friend group?
  6. It’s raining and you just found out that’s your grandma just died you…
  7. What weapon do you like? (This affects greatly please be honest.)
  8. A Wendigo appears in the woods it’s looking at you it’s black tongue sticking out you…
  9. This is so serious. What animal do you like? (This won’t affect the answer)
  10. Your friend is being attacked by a monster you…

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Quiz topic: What fighter am I?
