What fictional/real horse are you?

What horse are you? This can be fictional, or real. (Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters)

Well? Take the quiz, and find out! (Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters Filling the characters)

Created by: Horses Forever
  1. Are you easy to command? Will you resist, or take blind orders? Do you have any rebellious spirit in you? (Btw, the age and gender questions now have nothing to do with your score. I made them that way)
  2. What two adjectives do people commonly use to describe you? (don't have to be used at the same time, and by the same person)
  3. Which of the below best describes your personality?
  4. If you were a horse, and they were putting a saddle on you...
  5. Now, they're trying to shoe you...
  6. You're out in the pasture, and a little girl comes to pet you.
  7. Your attitude about being showed, and your possible score.
  8. Fill question
  9. Fill question
  10. Fill question

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Quiz topic: What fictional/real horse am I?