What Fictional creature are you?

There are many movies with fictional creatures. Twilight , cursed , the last unicorn , just to name a few. Have you ever wondered is they really are real? What if they are?

What Mythical creature fits YOU the best? Are you strong , smart or amazingly better at some things , than others? Find out what fictional creature you are (or fits you best) In the amazing quiz :D

Created by: Jade Glover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When a friend calls you over , what do you do?
  2. What is your fave time of day.
  3. Who do You love?♥
  4. What career intrest you?
  5. What element do you Like the best?
  6. What is your fave animal?
  7. How Long does is take for you to get mad
  8. Fave type of movie?
  9. What do you do when a hot guy or girl (that you like) walks up to you?
  10. Which is your fave movie

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Quiz topic: What Fictional creature am I?