What fictional animal are you quiz

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Want to find out what mythical creature you are? Here is the quiz for you! You only have to answer 10 questions and you get to find out your mythical creature you are!

Once you start your quiz you have to answer 10 questions.There is no right or wrong choice, so you pick the answer that feels true to you or you relate to the most! Good luck!

Created by: Glitterclover888
  1. Do you believe in fictional animals
  2. Do you care what people think about you
  3. Do either like to stay home and sleep or get out and explore
  4. Do you like being yourself in public or in private
  5. Are you quiet and secretive or a social butterfly (someone who communicates a lot)
  6. Do you prefer the sun or rain
  7. Do you like the cold or hot
  8. Do you like school or staying home and going on an adventure
  9. Do you prefer the quiet or noise
  10. Do you prefer morning, afternoon, evening or night

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Quiz topic: What fictional animal am I quiz
