Wich mythical creature are you?

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This is a quiz to see which mythical creature you are! Make sure to have fun and try to answer the questions truthfully! Of course you could take it not truthfully if you wanted!

Please share this quiz with your family and friends if you had fun taking it! Also please rate this quiz! Remember to smile and have a good day! Try to make somone laugh!

Created by: Cadince
  1. What weapon would you use in a mythical battle?
  2. If a friend is sad you...
  3. If your sad you want....
  4. Your favorite place to travel is...
  5. Your favorite animal is...
  6. If there's a bully you at your school you...
  7. Do you go to school or not?
  8. Do you like to travel or not?
  9. Are you a bookworm or not?
  10. What super power do you want?

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Quiz topic: Wich mythical creature am I?
