What element should you actually have?

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Hi, and welcome to my element quiz. This determines what element you should of had. This isn't 100% accurate but it is probably true. You might even get the element you have now.

There are four option to get. What are they? Well the four elements of course! Fire, water, Ice and Earth. What are you now, what should you have been? I'm Earth right now but should of I been Ice? Fire? Air?

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. Firstly, what do you think your personality is?
  2. What is your main flaw?
  3. Out of these activity's which would you rather do?
  4. What is your favrouite season?
  5. What is your favrouite colour? (If none of these just pick a random colour)
  6. What is Your favrouite thing about winter
  7. What is your favrouite thing about Summer?
  8. What is your favrouite thing about Spring?
  9. What is your favrouite thing about Autumn?
  10. Finally, What element do you want to get?(probably won't affect your score)
  11. How are you with cold weather?
  12. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  13. Oki, Goodbyeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: What element should I actually have?
