What Element are you?

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Well,as you all know,there are water,fire,earth and air ballancing this world!You are one of them,which one is now to find out. Ok,i cant think of that much so the rest is just...


Created by: Morka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Its a sunny day....where will you go?
  2. Which of these names do you prefer?(female)
  3. Which of these (male) Names do you prefer?
  4. When is your favourite part of the day?
  5. If you had powers you would like...
  6. If you were an elf or fairy you'd live in...
  7. What sounds best to you?
  8. Pick the role~!(all have powers!)
  9. I would eat...
  10. My pet would be...
  11. Which object do you like better?

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Quiz topic: What Element am I?