What Element are you?

Are you one of the roaming water elements? Or maybe a fire demon. What about those lovely air spirits? Answer all questions honestly and you'll find out you're inner element.

Water, Earth, Fire and Air. These are the ancient elements. It only take a few minutes to find out which you are. Remember. Water, Fire, Earth and Air...

Created by: Anonomus
  1. What is your favorite colour?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. What do you like to do best?
  4. Do you play video games much?
  5. Do you prefer fruit of veggies?
  6. Are you good at swimming?
  7. What word to you like best?
  8. Do you like geography?
  9. What's The greek godess of the hunt/moon?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Element am I?