What eeveelution are you?

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There are many POKEMON in this world.Some, however, are special. Take the eons. Cute, powerful foxes from different elements.Most people want to know what one they are.

Do YOU want to know your partner eeveelution? You have three choices: never know, take a shoddy, inaccurate quiz made by someone else, or take the legendary eeveelution quiz. If you dare... NOTE: was going to add EEeEE, the creepypasta, fanmade eeveelution, but I was too lazy to do so.

Created by: Kybi Komasan
  1. First of all... what's your favourite colour? (yes, I know, kill me)
  2. What's your hobby?
  3. What is your favourite food?
  4. You are playing acnl. Rover asks you wut town u r heading to. You say...
  5. Favourite youtuber?
  6. favourite meme?
  7. what is the best typing out of these
  8. what is the worst typing out of these?
  9. Who do you want as your spirit eeveelution?
  10. What did you think of my quiz? This is my first one! Expect more! Now, time for a fate bye...

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Quiz topic: What eeveelution am I?