What Dream SMP person are you

All this quiz is about is me just having fun and well making a quiz about what Dream smp character you are just for fun. All i want for this quiz is to have fun and all Ayo

All I want is for everybody who takes this quiz to have a fun cause that's all I want from life is to have fun take the challenges cause you never know what life will give you

Created by: Pai
  1. What would you say that you are?
  2. What is your height in your friend group?
  3. What your stand on drama
  4. In your friend group, what's your age?
  5. If somebody didn’t laugh at your jokes you would...
  6. Are you very busy?
  7. Who would you want to be (No effect on the answer)
  8. Are you one to swear?
  9. Do you think you will ever be a creator?
  10. Who do you think you got (no effect on answer)

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Quiz topic: What Dream SMP person am I
