What dragon are you

This will say what dragon you are are you a air dragon fire water dark forest killer,earth normal or are you a death dragon what will you be?? Cool you seen it

Are you a dragon fan or not :( but if you are you have come to the right place this will show you what dragon you are you might be something but you will be a dragon!!

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favourite dragon
  2. What would you do as dragon
  3. Would you be a dragon or not
  4. Really ramdom question
  5. Really ramdom question
  6. Did you like this or not
  7. GKuvlidheugwelhwqrfougfreav
  8. What colour would you be
  9. Would you have aromer
  10. The end

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Quiz topic: What dragon am I