What doki doki are you?

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Took my other quiz? You wont feel good b/c it does not work.my mom would’ve got ace but she got heart. I got heart too.this quiz will work! Dont think about killin

jghjjjjjkk kkkjjjj iklll knolll llop KllKllHhhhh kookoo jjjjjjjkk jkkijjjj hjjjmmmjj jhhhnnkl okkjj jhhhnn Jjjj jhhh hbhh hhh hujh hugf iuhi h hhhhgah

Created by: Bella
  1. What power do you want to control?
  2. Favourite color?
  3. Best trait
  4. Worst trait
  5. Ideal name ?
  6. Catchphrase?
  7. Do you like regina
  8. Was i crazy in my last quiz are you true glitter warrior?
  9. What would you do if you saw a girl crying
  10. Choose your fate!

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Quiz topic: What doki doki am I?
