What dog suits you?

Have you ever wondered which dog suits you best? Take this quiz to find out. Most of the questions count while a few don't. I made this quiz and I've made others but none takes them.

I hope this quiz gets on the first page. I'd be the happiest living girl. Remember the first time you went to Disney land? Well, this would be just a little less excitement then that.

Created by: Kaia
  1. Don't kill me, what is your favourite colour for a dog? Colour and favourite are old English.
  2. What describes you?
  3. Big, small, or teeny tiny
  4. Do you want to get a whippet? That is not a result.
  5. Let us have a conversation.
  6. Your name?
  7. Do you want a Boston terrier?
  8. Do you want a golden retriever?
  9. Do you want a Chihuahua?
  10. Do you want a husky?
  11. Do you want a pug?

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Quiz topic: What dog suits me?