What Dog are you?

There is many people who are probably wondering what dog they would be if they were one.Take this quiz and find out what type of dog you would be.Have fun!

Do you like dogs?ever wonder what dog you would be.Perhaps, you would be a loving family dog or a vicious dog or maybe even a smart dog?Find out in this quiz!

Created by: trikquestionz
  1. Do you like being around others?
  2. Do you like to play?
  3. Are you defensive?
  4. Do you like running alot?
  5. Are you a true companion?
  6. Are you noisy?
  7. Are you smart?
  8. Do you like playing with YOUR dog?
  9. Do you like to wrestle with your siblings?
  10. Are you curious?

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Quiz topic: What Dog am I?